Monday, March 26, 2007

Red clover....just a reminder!

A quick and gentle reminder that we will soon be approaching red clover season!  This is one of my favorite herbs and is used frequently in our home.  Here is a lovely picture of a field of red clover....a beautiful gift from God!

 Red clover picture

I have written before about red clover and how to use it.  You can read that post here.

Red clover is also one of the herbs you will study if you take my Medicinal Herb Course. You can read about this course here.  Here is an excerpt from the Medicinal Herb Course on using Red Clover as an infusion!

Internal Uses as an Infusion:  
Red clover can be used in combination with other purifying herbs such as burdock and yellow dock. Red clover is an excellent blood purifier either used alone or blended with yellow dock, dandelion root, sassafras or other blood purifiers.  It is soothing to the nerves and acts as a sedative for nervous exhaustion.  Red clover is a useful herb for children because of its mild sedative and mild alterative properties. Strengthens systems of delicate children.  Infuse and make a syrup from the infusion to be used as a cough syrup.  Red clover is good for coughs, colds, spasmodic coughing, stubborn dry coughs, whooping cough, wheezing, and bronchitis    It is an expectorant and is good for ailments involving mucous congestion  Use the tea to gargle with for all throat swellings and infections. Red clover is used for the treatment of tumors and cancers of various types.  It is considered by many to be a powerful remedy for cancerous growths.  It is often used to treat breast cancer.  It may also be helpful in preventing breast cancer.  In laboratory tests, red clover blocks estrogen from stimulating breast cancer cells. Red clover is being studied now by the medical community for its anti-cancer properties.  Red clover has significant phytoestrogenic activity which has led to increasing use of the herbs to relieve menopausal symptoms.   Therapeutic use during menopause helps to reduce the impact of falling estrogen levels and to exert a protective effect on the heart and circulation in menopausal women with low estrogen levels.

Remember that when you gather herbs for medicinal purposes, you want to make sure that they have not been sprayed with any type of chemicals.  Avoid road areas and public parks as these are most likely to be contaminated.  I encourage you to be watching for these lovely pink blooms and begin to gather them each day.  Lay them on a cookie sheet (not aluminum or silicone!) and cover with a light cheese cloth until they are dry.  Then store them in glass canning jars for use during the winter months.  Be sure to use them fresh during the season.  Red clover tea is one of the best teas for women, especially during those menopausal years...and it tastes yummy!  Now is the time to get busy and gather the bounty that God offers us in this wonderful little herb!

Here are a few more up close and personal pictures! 

Red clover blossoms Red clover blossom


  1. Will white clover work the same? I've got tons of white clover flowers- they are beautiful!

  2. Hi Christine,
    Sorry, white clover is completely different. You did pique my curiosity though - a quick thumb through of half a dozen herb books found no references at all to white clover....keep looking for the red (which is really pink!) :) But don't confuse it with crimson clover (which is red an has a pointed flower bud)!


  3. Can you buy seeds for this stuff? We also have the tiny white kind in the lawn, but not this kind...


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