Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thankful for....

So many things...I just wanted to share a few :)

We awoke this morning to a winter wonderland...well...a wee bit of a winter wonderland. It was snowing hard when we went to bed and I prayed...for enough snow for the boys to enjoy some sledding. When we awoke I found that my prayer had been answered.


We only received about two inches of snow but it was lovely to look at and the boys managed to sled for a couple of hours and engage in a massive snowball fight. I think Elijah won that...when his brothers came in to get warm he stayed outside and secretly made 100 snowballs...when the battle began he was ruthless :) Diligence pays!


This picture looks out my back door and towards our "mountain" (it's a lot steeper and higher than it looks!)

We are also thankful for a broody hen who has begun to hatch a clutch of eggs! She is a Buff Orpington. One of the few breeds that we found that hasn't had the broodiness bred out of them. We have another sitting on a nest also.


Look carefully and you can see a black chick peeking out from Mama's protective feathers.


Here he has decided to be brave and step out on his own. They are SO cute! tn_100_5330.JPG

She has hatched 5 chicks so far but as you can see she has a few more to go. We are hoping that some of these will also hatch.


And finally, I am so thankful for the beauty of YHWH's creation. He paints us such wonderful pictures in the skies over our home. When we moved here, the only thing I really thought I would miss from Florida were the beautiful sunsets. As you can see, Father heard the longing of my heart and quite often gifts us with this type of beauty.


"Thank you Father that Your glory is revealed, even here, on this sin swept earth."


  1. I am so glad your boys got some sledding in. I remember when we lived in Florida. We came to Ohio to visit every April for about 5 years. My son would pray for snow. God always let him have enough to at least throw a snowball. Then everyone in Ohio would pray that Josh would go home, because by April, they wanted to be done with snow. =)

    I appreciate your posts. I too am so thankful to our Heavenly Father for all the delightful gifts He gives us here on earth. He could have made it all black and white and we would never know. I always wonder about when we get to heaven if what we have here on earth will be like black and white and the new colors will just amaze us.

  2. I love waking up to fresh snow, your mountain is beautiful! We are truly a fortunate people. The baby chick is such a cutie... Thank you for all your inspiring posts.

  3. Here in Alabama we are getting snow, too. This is the second day this week. It is such a rare treat here. I also prayed for snow for all my family, my neighbor prayed for a foot, I only prayed for a good snow fall. God gave us about an inch one day and today I do not know what we will end up having. It is beautiful.


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