Sunday, March 16, 2008

An open letter to Mr. Visionary....

Dear Mr. Visionary,

I just *have* to tell you! Last year, about this time, your family visited my farm and you spent many hours repairing equipment and fixing all manner of things broken. I know that you could have whipped through these chores much quicker than you did....what held you up? Lots of boys...both little and big. You took the time, as you repaired each item, to teach my boys. And you made sure, before you went to the next step, that they understood. I want you to know that it was not time wasted...but invested!

Not only did our Father use it to heal many hurts in assorted hearts....but you instilled in them the belief that they had the ability to walk in your least in a small part. These teachings did not lie in fallow ground. Over the last year, I have seen little sprouts here and there...most decidedly green. When I asked about the root of said sprouts...the answer has always been..."Well, Mr. Visionary says....". I have now seen those sprouts turn into a beautiful, blooming plant with fruit!

This winter, one of our garden faucets ruptured...and produced a beautiful fountain...which continually ran into my greenhouse. It was the same kind of faucet that you spent a long time working on with the boys. We dealt with it this winter by keeping the well pump off unless needed. Now that the days are warmer, Jeremy and Josiah began the process of digging (literally) for the problem. Some plumbing, leading up to the faucet, had burst during the winter. The boys are of a mind that it was not initially installed correctly. Jeremy felt like we needed to make a trip to the store...but money is scarce right now so it was put on a back burner...or so I thought!

Josiah began to ponder...he then disappeared for about 2 hours and came back with....tn_100_5593.JPG


I was thrilled...and excited...and asked..."how did you know how?"....and I received an answer that I have heard much in the last year...."Mr. Visionary taught me...." aahhhh....of course...

He then installed it...would it hold.....would it leak?


So far, so turn it on...would we see another fountain?



Josiah and Elijah got busy filling in the hole...they wanted to surprise Jeremy who had gone off to bush hog a field...

tn_100_5597.JPG we have the best part...the fruit of your labors...a young man with self-confidence radiating...because he knows he can do it....


and that is a picture that this Mama has waited a long time to see. How can my mother's heart ever thank you? This is fruit that will blossom and grow for a long time..perhaps a lifetime...because you took the time and cared....

Thank you...thank you....thank you.....may Yahweh bless you and yours!

With a grateful heart,



  1. Well done! (I think Josiah has grown about a foot since I saw him last summer!)

  2. Thanks for sharing this Cheri. It warms my heart as well. I love it when men will take the time to show a young man how to do something. Great post!!!! Great job boys!!!!

  3. The picture of your son made me smile.
    I know God is smiling too.
    God Bless you and your family.:)

  4. Cheri,
    At least a foot....he's taller than me now..sigh...

    We have been blessed this last year by our Father...he has sent several men to speak into their lives...sometimes for a day...sometimes just for an hour or two but they have been greatly encouraged.

    Thank you!

  5. Cheri, I am so proud of your sons (and of you, too!) This is a priceless testimony! Wish I could give you a hug today!

    (And what a remarkable story about the investment of one man, into the life of young men!)

  6. Hi Holly,
    Thanks! Mr. Visionary did things that seemed so simple in the natural...but in the spiritual...he sowed many seeds. Truly we were all boys most of all :)

  7. What a wonderful testimony all of you have! I'm in tears reading this and when the pictures finally loaded - well, tears again.

    Praise G-d. How blessed you all are, as I am sure that Mr Visionary was himself blessed.

    Praise G-d.


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