Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ferocious Mama

All of my life, I've heard the protectiveness of mothers compared to mama bears. I've recently witnessed something different. I drove over to a neighbors to drop off some bread and jam and on my way out I noticed something in the middle of his driveway....I slowed down.....facing me staring me down was a small bird. This bird was doing it's best to look big - it's wings were out, feathers plumped, tail up and it wasn't about to move. It might be good to note at this time that I was driving a Chevy Suburban - and this bird was challenging me! Feisty little thing. So....naturally....I had to get out and see what it was....and right the middle of the driveway....I saw this...

it was hard to see...the eggs almost blended in with the gravel. I stood up and called to my neighbor and asked if he knew that he had a nest of eggs in the middle of his driveway...."Yep! They do this every year - everyone just knows to be careful driving out." This neighbor is a true servant...fixing anything and everything...for everybody. Wow! Hundreds of people drive carefully around this little nest every year. The whole valley knows...(this valley knows EVERYTHING about EVERYONE!). I asked what type of bird and was told a "killdee".

So...being the home school Mom that I am, I went home, told the boys and we looked it up here. Of course, Elijah (the consummate birdwatcher) needed to go right back over there to see for himself. When we got there the Mama Killdee(r) looked like this....this is known as the broken wing act....she will almost let you catch her while leading you on a merry chase away from her eggs. It is a beautiful site to see...this ferociousness....a willingness to lay it all down for her babies. How I sure I am that all of you Mamas identify....this God-given desire to protect them from all is compelling...intense....and at times overwhelming. This little mama displays it all while shouting "kill dee".

So...when we got home, Elijah began to hunt for nests on our farm since these beautiful birds are everywhere. And finally he found one in Grandma's just a bare indention in the ground. The Mama Killdeer was bravely sitting on the nest. From the driveway her head was barely visible!

When Elijah finally got her to move (not an easy task!). This is what he found.

I have to say that their nest building skills leave a lot to be desired. All they need is a dent in the ground. The dried material is just there because of the lack of rain - she did not gather this stuff. There literally isn't really a nest.

Elijah became an avid watcher...and by that night there were three....

When the boys went to mow, Elijah shoo'd the mama away and put a bucket over the nest so his brothers wouldn't accidentally hit it....he watched our "egg-loving dog" Faith to make sure she stayed away. He sat for hours with field glasses watching the Mama and Papa take care of this nest....oh yes!....the daddy is just as involved with the mama in taking care of little ones, protecting the nest, leading visitors away....what a great lesson from our Father!

And then....just a few days later....there were four!  Our neighbor told us there would be four.

Elijah watched diligently for the hatching - they all seemed to hatch at once. They are fully feathered

when they hatch and they are running around within the hour! Tiny and C.U.T.E.! We drove slowly up and down the drive for a week - watching lest one run under a wheel. More than once the boys got out, picked one up and moved it into the field next to the road. Mama and papa had a fit at the time but it was the only way to keep them safe. A great lesson for little ones to stay close to mama and papa and listen to their calls to avoid dangers they don't understand yet.

I encourage you to visit the link above to read more about these delightful birds. There were so many spiritual lessons given to us by observing the parents and the babies....may our Father speak to your hearts, as He did to ours, while you learn about these delights that He created!


  1. What a wonderful story and wow!
    Isn't God amazing?!!!
    He made these tiny little mama birds and they are as protective as a mama bear!
    God truly did speak to my heart through your wonderful post!
    Wishing you a blessed and wonderful weekend!

  2. That is awesome! I knew about Killdeer but have never seen them (I don't believe they are common up here in Western PA). And that is one of my favorite things about home schooling, the ability to allow the kids to explore and get it on their own.

  3. We have lots of killdeer up around us. They always seem to pick the very WORST place to put a nest. We have one here that lays her eggs in one of the cow pastures. You should hear her cussin' at those cows. =)

  4. I live in Alabama and we had one nest under a tree in our parking lot at work. I watched as they hatched, then held my breath as they scurried around in the parking lot, dodging cars that were oblivious to them. I can't imagine the stress the parents were under to keep their young safe. It was a beautiful thing to observe, I must say, this evolution of life.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing. That was quite interesting. I find it amazing what strong nests some birds can make. We had a couple of birds make their nest in on of our hedges this year. I'm near sighted so I never could make out what kind of bird it was. They always seemed to be on the phone lines yelling at us when we were near the nest.
    It was a very small nest and I think only one baby survived out of the 4. Amazing to watch the life cycle.

  6. Very interesting!
    We had one that nested in the middle of our gravel church parking lot!
    They put cones and tape around it to keep people from damaging the nest/babies.


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