Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Also known as Elijah. My fiery child, my passionate child, my creative child. He loves creation, studies it, revels in it. He's also known as being a little strange quirky. He has a tender heart, easily bruised...he's the baby of my four boys but he can hold his own, quite loudly, against his brothers if need be. He makes friends wherever he goes. Never meets a stranger and has no problem holding a conversation.... with anyone....anytime..... anywhere...even if he's alone!?

Elijah comes up with "interesting" ideas. Ideas that make a Mama's heart quake. I thought pictures might say it best...we'll start with that tender heart and move on to.....stranger things.

Elijah found two banty chicks roaming the garden without their mama. He was worried that one of our cats would consider them tasty morsels. We gave mama a day to find the babies (while Elijah diligently watched to make sure they were safe) and then he "rescued" them.

They are now residing happily in the equipment shed in a brooder (instead of his room, which was his original idea). Elijah is tenderly caring for them until they are big enough to be turned loose....where they most likely will return to the garden and peck ALL of my tomatoes. It's what bantys and chickens do. Seriously. I am allowing him to raise more of the very birds that create my biggest gardening nightmare...others deal with tomato worms, squash bugs, Japanese beetles....I have chickens. Chickens LOVE red things. My tomatoes and hot peppers are red. I'm just saying.

Recently, Elijah saved his allowance and purchased a BOAT. If you call it a toy, a raft, a will be quickly corrected. This is a BOAT. Never mind that you BLOW IT UP. Never mind that it cost $7. IT IS A BOAT!

Elijah wanted to take this boat out onto our pond. I said sure, just take one of the older boys with you. Off they went. Then he came home. Like this....

Isn't it just amazing? Evidently, Elijah stepped out of the boat onto the "shore". I think I've mentioned that we have been enduring a 10 year drought. Our pond is down several feet. According to Elijah, the mud along the shore has turned into quick sand and it sucked him right down to his knees. It required him to use his hands to get out...which were quickly sucked in up to his elbows. Josiah spent an hour hosing his brother off so he would be clean enough to make it to the shower. Did I mention that pond scum stinks? A LOT!

Then there was the day that I couldn't find Elijah....I had called and called. So, of course, we thought he must be outside and we called and searched. No Elijah. Then that panic, truly only known to a mama, set in. Back in the house to look again, I open the door to a bedroom, which was dark and as my eyes adjusted I saw a strange shape on the bed. I flipped on the lights and...... I saw this....

Elijah. Laying in the BOAT. With a pillow. Wearing headphones. Listening to an old Bill Cosby CD. In the dark. Don't feel left out dear readers....I don't understand either! Once I made sure he was breathing and began to slip out of the room, he quietly called and asked me to be sure to turn the lights back off. I don't think he ever moved or opened his eyes...definitely quirky!

I also have to say that he gives THE best hugs in the world! Can melt my heart with those big brown eyes. Loves our Father with all of his heart. And makes us all laugh....a lot. He fills our lives with joy. We love him immensely. I thank my Father that He allowed me to have this "late in life" baby that turned into a wonderful boy who drives me to distraction while simultaneously melting my heart.

Watch out a few short years he's headed your way.


  1. He reminds me a great deal of myself...when I was younger...and even to this very day (ronnie would agree with me on this one)..."Quirky"...that's a compliment, in my book! :)

    Thanx for sharing these experiences with makes you and your family all the more precious to those of us who visit your blog, and your home.

    God bless you and your wonderful family...

  2. Oh, I have one of those (the kids not the boats) and since she thinks EXACTLY like I do/did I guess I must have been one of those too. :)

  3. I am so glad you have an Elijah on your farm. It gives you many more years before an empty nest.

  4. WOW! He sounds like all the kids in my family! Creativity runs strong on all sides. But he sounds the most like my baby Zechariah. It seems that Josh would have been a bit like this as a kid. Hope all is going well, nice blog. Blessings

  5. My grandfather's nickname was Doodle. I wonder if he got it for similar reasons.

  6. So funny! Sounds like my Eli :)...He's only 3 1/2 right now, but this definitely sounds like I can see what he'll be into in a few years. How precious!
    I so enjoy visiting your blog.

  7. Kristen,
    It IS a compliment - wouldn't change it for the world!

    I probably fall into that category myself :)

    I dread the empty nest - am praying I'll have grandbabies before then!

    Yes he is!

    He reminds me SO much of Josh when he was little :)

    I've heard of a few "Doodles" in the last year. In our family, Doodle is short for Doodlebug....another nickname for Elijah.

    Thanks so much...hope you stop by often :)



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