Monday, September 1, 2008

Desires of the heart

It has always been my desire to have two Jersey milk cows and to keep one in milk at all times, thus giving one of them time off from the milking routine but always having a steady milk supply for ourselves.  Right now, a sweet family of friends has loaned us a milk cow so that Miss Nora could have a rest after many years of milking.  This solved our immediate problems - Nora's milk production had dropped to about 2 quarts a day and there was no one to take her place.

However, I still felt a need to take steps towards that desire so that we would not be dependent on others and so that Nora was not being milked for years on end....not great for her or for milk production which slowly decreases with time.  I had no way to purchase a cow so I prayed. What else is a girl to do?  I turned to my Father and left it in His hands. And truthfully,  I didn't think much about it any more. (Not like other times when I lay the burden down and pick it right back up so that I can "help" Him....just so you know I'm not.all.that.)

Over the years there have been many animals born here, some purchased and brought here and several sold and sent from here to grace other farms.  I have never had any regrets....except once.  Over the last two years, the boys and I have regularly lamented that we should never have sold one particular Jersey cow.  Her name was know.....supercalifragilisticexpialiDOCIOUS.  Don't look to closely at the spelling.  She came from a local dairy, she was small, gentle and gave about 3 gallons a day.  She was perfect. I don't even remember why we sold her.

About a month ago I got a call from Docious's owners.   The husband was working more hours off the farm, they had young children and mama was a bit overwhelmed... they were trying to cut back.  They had tried to AI her (artificial insemination for those who don't know) twice with no luck. They wanted to know if I wanted her back?!  The timing.....oh, my what perfect timing!  Doesn't Father always have perfect timing?

We made time to drive to their farm and see if Docious, now called Docy by the way, had changed much.   I wondered if she was still gentle or if several years in a field had left her wild or difficult to deal with....many questions that could only be answered by seeing her again.

We were so pleased at what we found.  She came when called, was gentle to handle, looked great to our eyes and seemed as pleasant as she was when she lived with us.  We told them we'd let them know as soon as we could.

I wrote a brother in the Lord for some advice.  As far as I am concerned he gets the "Most Knowledgable About Jersey's Award".  If I was computer savvy I'd make one and send it to him.   He so graciously wrote me back and gave me guidelines for buying a cow, things to look for, things to look at, things to avoid and great advice on what to pay for a cow.  Did y'all know it's all in the legs?  I didn't! Thanks Scott, I really appreciate the help.

We called them back and told them we'd take her. New problem.  I don't have a cattle trailer and although I've hauled, calves, bucks, does, chickens, roosters, cats, dogs and more in the back of my Suburban it just wasn't going to work for Docy. So, I called these friends to ask if they could help me.  They graciously agreed to do so. How thankful I am to this family for their love and friendship!

Yesterday Docy was delivered to us and we were so thankful to receive her!

Welcome home Docy!

It is amazing to me how much my Father loves us.  It is amazing to me that He cares about the little things....milk, butter and cheese for hungry boys. It is amazing to watch Him provide for us without us lifting a finger or opening our mouths.  It is amazing to me that my Father will give me the desires of my heart when they line up with His Word and His will.
Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.

We are giving thanks and praising Him for allowing Docy to come home and for granting the desires of our hearts.



  1. this brought tears to my eyes. God is always so good!

  2. I was reading your post on my Reader when my boys came in the bedroom. My oldest said "That looks like a very nice cow Mommy. Where does it live?" I told him it lived in TN and he said, "Maybe we should go to that farm and visit it sometime." He's 5. I love the way kids minds work.

    I wish I could come visit, give you a hug and tell you how thankful I am for your blessing. God is so good! Thanks for being a testimony to God's sovereignty here on the web. :)

  3. Yeah for you and for Docy! She is blessed to get to come live on your farm!
    God is so good!

  4. That is a beautiful cow!!
    I am so happy for God's provision for you!

  5. I am thrilled for you Cheri. May she give you many calves and lots of sweet fresh milk thick with cream!!!!

  6. Oh, she looks so beautiful. Yum, fresh milk, haven't tasted good milk in years. Thanks for reminding me to pray and trust God's timing. Blessings.

  7. Thank God for answered prayers!!! Our Father certainly does provide for our needs.

  8. That's wonderful! Praise be to God.

  9. I'm glad to hear you were able to get a second cow again. It is also one of my dreams to have a Jersey or two--would you be willing to share the advice you received on buying a cow? (with Mr. Scott's permission of course)

    I imagine that it will still be at least few years before we're able to have a cow, but after all God's timing is not ours and it would be good to be prepared.

    Thank you for the wonderful salves too, they work so well we're beginning to wonder how we survived without them!

  10. Congratulations on getting your jersey girl! We've milked them for a number of years and we almost cry (OK, we do cry) when one has to leave the farm. There's nothing like a big old sloppy jersey kiss out in the pasture for a farmer to feel appreciated by his "girls". God continues to bless your family, indeed!

  11. I just love Jerseys. In my home we have several cows in milk at any one time because we don't like "dry spells".
    So glad God provided you with a second cow. We've learned to pray before looking for a new cow. Here's my two cent's worth for anyone looking at a cow- check her teeth, if they aren't nice looking and white, don't get her (I've learned from experience).


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