Monday, November 3, 2008

I just can't help myself....Part 3

I am responding to another comment but thought it important enough to do it here...(I have removed links)

Zoe says:
Sorry again, just have to post this.  I really don't mean to be a Debbie Downer or Negative Nancy.  I promise! :D

Palin shares the wealth too: (posted from several sources)

Oh, and this:

"What Biden should have done, had he not been blind-sided, was to make the point that all Obama is doing is adjusting the progressive income tax structure that was supported by none other than Adam Smith, the patron saint of free markets, and introduced to the US, originally, by Republican Abraham Lincoln.  Later, the progressive income tax was supported so heavily by Republican Teddy Roosevelt that the Constitution was amended to accommodate the income tax, and Roosevelt made it clear, in a speech delivered in 1910, why he thought a progressive tax was the right way to go."

I have a difficult time believing that Obama is some diabolical hidden Marxist.  Socialism and Marxism are words that have been thrown around by a campaign desperate to win but are ill understood.  I oculd write a book but, frankly, I'm lazy. ;)

Taxes, we've had them all our lives. Progressive taxes, which tax people on their income, have been around for ages.  We even made a constitutional ammendment to have the taxes we currently do.  We have school districts, police, and fire departments all have the ability to propose bonds to raise or lower taxes as needed.  I'm not sure how readjusting national taxes are different?

And, if you think your taxes will be raised under Obama, check this out:

Hi Zoe!

Yes...Sarah shares the wealth but not like Obama is intending to do. The citizens of Alaska OWN the resources of Alaska.  What a cool idea!  When those resources are sold (i.e. to the oil companies, and those oil companies pay taxes on the resources) then those citizens get a check.  They sold something they they got paid.

Obama wants to take some of your money...because you make more than me...and give it to me.  This is called socialism and is right kin to communism.  These are not terms slung about because of an election.  If you study the principles of both socialism and communism you will understand.

Frankly, if I work very hard and make good money then I want to determine how I "spread it around" to help others.  It isn't the government's business to make us successful, put gas in our tank or to pay our mortgages.  That is up to us.  The welfare state will blossom under Obama.  How dare they decide how much money is enough for me....How dare they take it from me to give it to someone else?  How dare they treat me as a child who "doesn't know better" and needs their "help" from cradle to grave?

We live in a Republic...not a democracy as so many is a republic.  When this country was first founded they attempted something like Obama wants.  It was determined in a settlement that all would share in the work in the community garden and then all would share equally in the harvest.  It was a dismal failure.  Why?  Because people are sinful creatures that tend to look after their own best interests.  Guess what happened?  A few of the people did the majority of the the harvest was small.  However, everyone was there with their hand out for a piece of the "pie".  Trouble was there wasn't enough harvest to go around.  It was a very rough winter.

The next year they decided to do it differently.  Each family was given their own garden plot.  It was up to you to provide for yourself.  Guess what?  EVERYBODY worked...they knew there was no one there to bail them out so they got their backsides in gear and worked to provide for their own.  Very successful harvest!

Socialism and communism have been tried all over the world....always a failure.  The elite get very rich and powerful and the "regular joes" suffer.  Did you know that Fidel Castro campaigned on the "Change" ticket.  We need change...well....they got it....and are sorry.  Ever wonder why the terrorist organizations, the dictators in our southern hemisphere and elsewhere overseas are very excited and have thrown their "support" behind Obama? Do some research.

I'd like someone to ask he is spreading his wealth around?  Is he voluntarily giving up his money to share with those less fortunate in his hometown? Doesn't sound like he even shares it with his own family!

Yes, we've had taxes all our lives...but wait...not quite true!  Look into the history of the income tax.. how it came into being and what they promised the maximum tax would EVER be....they never tell the truth.  Then read how hey passed  the income wasn't legal!  Perhaps, instead of sighing and giving in we need to elect someone who will fight for the Constitution and what it means for this country.  It means freedom, checks and balances, freedom of speech and more!

It isn't about Republican or isn't about black or is about character and the Constitution which Obama mistakenly calls a "charter".  This is a dishonest man.  I heard his campaign ad today directed at coal miners and how he was behind them 100%.  Then I heard him interviewed where he said he was going to put a cap and trade system into affect for the coal industry. He went on to say,  “So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can,” Obama said. “It’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.” He went on to talk about how electric rates are going to increase significantly out of "necessity".  Excuse me please...mine just went up 20%  I can't afford anymore.  I literally pinch my pennies to wouldn't believe how tight my budget is! I may have to buy a wood burning stove and invest in candles and oil lamps just to survive as a single mama to three!

These men are going to take an oath to uphold the constitution.  Yet, Obama's campaign "promises" are already in violation of the constitution.  I think Grandma calls that talking out of both sides of your mouth.

I think a lot of the problem is that younger people don't know the history of this country.  It has been watered down and neglected in the public school system.  Some history has been deleted or even re-written to be politically correct.  Senator Obama wouldn't have stood a chance 50 or 60 years ago and it has nothing to do with the color of his skin.  People back then recognized socialism and communism.  They were familiar with the Federalist Papers, the Declaration and the Constitution along with other historical documents written by our founding fathers.

I am not upholding McCain as a virtuous man here.  I don't like him either but he isn't promoting socialism or communism.  Frankly, I don't like either party and think it is high time we started hearing more about third party candidates...unfortunately our "free and unbiased" press won't give them the coverage.  It has been proven recently in an independent study that the media coverage in this race has been greatly slanted in favor of Obama.  Free and unbiased my eye!  Let me sell you some farmland up yonder!  Ever hear of Chuck Baldwin?  Running under the Constitution Party ticket....or Bob Barr? Running under the Libertarian Party ticket.

Want to know what America could look like 4 years from now under an Obama administration?  I encourage  you to read Part 2.

If the Republican Party had any guts....or any integrity....Ron Paul would have been their choice instead of John McCain....Paul and that's the ticket!

I appreciate your sharing your thoughts, Zoe, and hope you will continue to visit...and we can talk and share about things other than politics :)

Okay, I am stepping off of my soapbox and getting on my knees.  This is the last political post. Dear readers, be praying for our nation, beseeching our Father for His mercy....we are very undeserving indeed.



  1. you know at the end of the day, the guys with the $100.00 (they were all given the same amount, socialism), some will still have the same $100.00 they started with, some will owe more than the $100.00 they were given and some will have more than the $100.00 they were given. sounds like a Bible story to me and to think this colloquism is a new idea?

    vote guys and thank God i can because i am ALIVE,

    Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me.

  2. "When this country was first founded they attempted something like Obama wants. It was determined in a settlement that all would share in the work in the community garden and then all would share equally in the harvest"

    Um, I don't remember this part of history? The US was a confederacy before it was a republic. Our nation almost failed because we had too loose a government.

    "They were familiar with the Federalist Papers, the Declaration and the Constitution along with other historical documents written by our founding fathers."

    Surprise, I am too. Also 50 years ago, there were the McCarthy hearings. People take things to extremes all the time, on either side, and I think that is what is happening now.

  3. How many educated people today even have a remote idea of what a republic was meant to be? I do not believe we have had one here for a very long time. Froggie put into cool water that is very slowly heated does not notice in time to bail out. We are a bunch of froggies. We only have the mercy of our wonderful Heavenly Father to call upon...nothing else I think. Thanks for sharing here as you do. You know, I doubt many of us would mind TRUE communism or socialism....but there is no such thing on this earth...that just produces a kingdom of serfs to serve a very few royal people!! But thankfully, this world's system is short lived now I believe...a new day is on the horizon...and it won't be man who provides that!! I so look forward to the world to come, when our Messiah arrives and rules as things were always meant to be. Imagine living in total peace, safety and love...what a change that will be!!

  4. Elizabeth!
    I have thought of the froggie scenario a lot recently...the pot is boiling and we aren't moving! Love the picture of eternity, peace, safet and love...
    May His kingdom come quickly!


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