Thursday, December 11, 2008

A C-47

He asked me if I knew what one was as he was setting up his video gear.  "No...hadn't heard of one.  Is it a cargo plane?"  He chuckled. He informed me it was a highly technical piece of equipment...very expensive.  He was looking for his.  I watched him unpack his $10,000 camera....he continued to look.  His helper was setting up the lighting while the sweet young lady was going over her notes.

He began to explain that the C-47 was used to hold different filters over the camera lights so that the correct lighting could be achieved...even though we weren't in the studio.  He explained the red film gave warm tones to the wood, the yellow film mixed nicely with sunlight (which is blue?!)...he had a whole bag full of beautiful colors...colors to paint people, objects...the world.  But all of them useless without the C-47.

He told me they were very least $30 if he had to bill someone for one...he just needed to find his bag.  Bag? There were bags strewn all over the living room floor...cables ran like snakes in every was re-arranged to get the right angle...lights set about with odd looking tents....and lights just waiting for the C-47.

Aha!  Success...he found them!

What exactly is a C-47?

Take a look!

I'll bet you have one too!  He told me that you could ask for a C-47 in any television studio and this is what they would bring you.  Why the name?

How are you going to charge someone $30 for a clothespin?

What was happening at our farm today?  It has something to do with'll just have to tune in again to find out!

Yes...I know....I've been told I can be a bit of a stinker ;)

Merry Christmas!


  1. Oh I'm anxious to know!! Cameras? Lights? What can it be!?

  2. Your are more than a bit of a stinker... you are a REAL stinker!!!! Looking forward to hearing your news.

  3. Oh please don't keep us waiting to long.
    Can't wait to hear.

  4. Yep it is a cargo plane:

  5. Melanie,
    You'll learn a little more tomorrow...the rest on Sunday or Monday :)

    I found that out when I googled it....just to see if the other would come up. Interesting isn't it?

  6. Marci,
    You don't know the half....don't talk to my boys ;)

  7. Andrea,
    You'll find out soon!
    Merry Christmas,

  8. I do love a mystery, but I have a terrible habit of peeking at the end of the book! I can't wait to find out!


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