Monday, January 26, 2009


I've spent the last two Saturdays teaching my  Medicinal Herb Course at the local community college to a group of 5th through 8th graders.  Interesting.  Really interesting.  I do not usually spend a lot of time around public/private school kids.

I was amazed at some of the things I heard.  All you have to do is stop and listen to them talk to each other.  These were bright kids.  The "cream of the crop" from 8 counties.  And I really enjoyed my time with them.  I had the same group of kids both Saturdays.  I'll have a different group the next two Saturdays and will be teaching Soap Making to them.  More about that later.

I had one young man who couldn't stop whispering.  Unusual.....I'd expect that more from the girls.  But, not a problem for me.  I am a mama of boys.  Four of them!  And, I knew that the staff at this school backs up its teachers.  They would rather send one child home than ruin the experience for a class of 20.  Fortunately, I was able to handle it fine.  I have found, with my own children, that placing an attention seeking child in a position where they can't seek attention usually cures the problem.  It works in the classroom setting also.

I had some very sweet kids and a few homeschooled kids.  I had one boy who was there wanting to learn things to help his mama.  She works, goes to school and takes care of home and kids.  I know how she feels.  He so desperately wanted to learn things to help her alleviate stress.  He was a good kid and I know she must be proud of him.  I told him so.  He was a delight.

There was a young man who wanted to be a vet.  He gets teased by family members for this goal.  I really tried to encourage him - he has just the right kind of personality to be a vet.  Sensitive, humble, caring. I hope he continues his pursuit of this dream...he'll be a wonderful vet someday.

I was amazed at the cruelty kids can show to one another.  Name calling, accusations about them, their parents and more.  Good thing the government wasn't around...the "new hate crime laws" that impede free speech were broken all over the place.  What used to be considered childish behavior is now illegal.  And I was amazed at how much it could affect these kids. One young lady was quite upset.  I spent a long time speaking to her about these types of people.  There will always be someone to call names and make false accusations.  Don't give them power over your life....blow it off and move on.  Of course, you and I know, the truth always comes out in the end.  He promises us that!

I was also amazed at how much interest there was in the opposite sex.  We are talking 11 and 12 year olds!  And how it apparently is encouraged by some parents.  Dating at 11?  Give. me. a. break.

What was heart breaking to me was the total lack of knowledge about our Father and His ways.  The biggest joy and delight in life and they were clueless.  Which, of course, explained a lot of the behavior and hearbreak that I saw.  However, the kids were very politically correct and assumed, for the most part, that what they see on TV is the truth.

I was considered quite an oddity when they found out that I hadn't watched television for over 25 years now.  "Why?"  they cried! And I was able to share.  "What do you do instead?"  they wanted to know.  I explained to them that we read together, played games, had great conversations and studied.  I don't think it sounded very attractive to them....they sure don't know what they are missing.

I'm really looking forward to next week.  I have very informally taught soap making to a variety of friends and friends of friends over the years.  However, this class has pushed me to create a more formal approach including notes for the kids to take home.  So, I have spent much time in the last weeks writing my own Soap Making book.  I created a shortened version for the class but am being very thorough, since I am half way there, to create a Soap Making course for ya'll.  It is something I have wanted to do for a long time but just couldn't find the time.

I am getting up to write a few hours before the boys and then after school and well into the evening I have been writing, researching and taking all of my notes from over the years and putting it all together.  Hopefully, this explains why I haven't been quite as diligent in posting to my blog. So far, I'm very pleased with my results.  Right now, I am taking my lists of herbs that color soap, properties of different oils, butters and essential oils and creating charts and lists for you.  What took me years of trial and error  to learn will be right at your fingertips!  It is also nice that all of my hand written scribbles will be set into a more formal context.

I am hoping to finish up this week and then I plan on offering a PDF download on my website...just like my Medicinal Herb Course. to teach my own kids and then I hit the computer key board once again.



  1. Oh I am SO excited for you. My oldest (age 11) used your medicinal herbs course to make a cough syrup she can take AND likes the other day and today we are heading to the health food store to pick up a few ingredients to make some of the other things. She is SO thrilled with it all. Also you and your attitude towards it all is very similar to the teacher I had at the local college who got me moving towards art and discovering my own way to be an artist. What an encouragement he was when everyone else was telling me you can't make a living doing that. Go you!

  2. Wow, what a neat experience!! thanks for sharing. I am glad you are able to share the Lord with these kids, too.

  3. When you initially wrote about this opportunity, I thought this was a wonderful gift from God to you. But I see now that it is so much more.

    You are a wonderful gift to these kids and your life and values and faith will be a tremendous inspiration to them.

  4. Heather! That is SO exciting! I am so proud of her! Wish I could hug her neck! If she needs any help, just have her drop me a line! What an amazing thing....just 11 year old!

    Thanks....I am having a great time teaching!

    Hi The Other Cheri!
    I hope I can speak Jesus to these kids. They are so unaware of their need. It is a blessing to us also. I am hoping to earn enough to pay my taxes!

    Love to all and give DOD a hug from me! Mom too!

  5. Hi Cheri, would you mind elaborating on your "placing an attention seeking child in a position where they can’t seek attention"....I have a lot to learn in classroom management as well as parenting!

    And the way you pour yourself and your years of experience into your classes is inspiring!

  6. Glad your classes have gone well. We had a husband/wife over on Sunday that both work as one on one helpers for the No Child Left Behind in our town (the school failed the testing, so they had to hire more people to tutor more kids). They told some very sad stories of what goes on in the school; how the struggling ones continue to struggle, and the bright ones are terribly bored -- which makes for trouble. What a sad state of affairs. Makes me so thankful we homeschool.

  7. cheri: SURPRISE! not at all. this is so very exciting and in so many ways. seeds being planted, literally and spiritually. ooh i just absolutely love this!!with my grandbabies in public school every day it is my prayer their hearts to be tender toward the things of God and to continuously have little seeds dropped along the way, THANK YOU!!! i am excited about your book also. i haven't had the opportunity of USING my herbal book yet as i still have many boxes packed and stacked around but i want the soap making one also. OH, ha, is not a sentence(kidding) but this is a serious situation. i don't watch tv either but i hear enough from others to tell me what is on and tv is teaching these kids at this age this junk. AGAIN THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITHFULNESS!

  8. Sara,
    When I have a child acting out (being loud, interrupting, distracting) to get the attention of other children, I have found the best thing is to place that child where other children can't see them.
    Sometimes that is as simple as placing that child at the back of the room....with my other boys in front of him. Hard to seek attention when you are facing the backs of everyone else.
    Sometimes, I have had to remove them from the room - usually if the previous attempt failed.
    I have found, at least with my own kids, that they quickly learn that being off in a room by yourself is never as much fun as being they tend to straighten up quite quickly.
    Hope this helps!

  9. Lynn,
    I agree - so thankful!

    Does this mean you made the move?

  10. It has been quite sometime; with my computers crashing and continually fighting to get online etc...with such joy I have caught up on my readings..."Glory to GOD!" Such sweetness to my ears that your life has been moving upwards with Our Glorious Father! YAHOOOOO! Answer to prayers! Of course we will continue to pray specifically for you and the boys for the upcoming days...nevertheless...this time spent to play "catch up" has been a true delight! I have emailed you a couple of times discussing the course and cutting of the soaps for gifts.. I hope that you remember me? You are truly an stated before...Proverbs 31 women comes to my mind...always doing "GODS WILL!"
    thank you for your inspiring ways....

  11. Fun! I can't wait till your book is ready!

    As for the tv, we don't have one and when the 10th graders we lead at church found out about it, they all about passed out from shock! "Quick let's gather our pennies so they can have a tv!" We tried to explain it's not a matter of money, but a choice- and we have no problem filling our time- mostly learning! They just thought we'd lost our minds...

  12. Oh Cheri,
    What a rich experience for you!
    And you may never know what a difference your being there may make in the life of one of those children!
    It's exciting to see how God is using you!


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