Monday, March 21, 2011

His Endless Gifts....

As we count His gifts, we begin to see Him in the the ordinary! We become aware of His presence in our lives, His provision and His crazy, amazing love for us, who are so unlovable...

#575 - #606

an amazing unexpected gift...all the way from Texas!


from crutches to cane

new possibilities

a special friend in Germany

the Megillah - the Scroll of Esther

 projects completed

birdsong - their continual praise

a greenhouse filling up

answered prayer

celebration of Purim

my brother & his family

the Psalms of Ascent

classes almost finished

new friends

family gathered 'round my supper table

fresh bread

spring breezes



another hour of light at the end of the day

menu plans all laid out

potatoes that come in the mail

clean clothes

buds on the trees

olive leaf tincture



a good book to read


family game night

new adventures

Everywhere I look I see His hand...gently guiding, always constant, showering down gifts from above...a continual love note to let me know that He is faithful and full of love. Will you count His gifts with me?  You will discover that He is your source...He is your healer...He is your provider...He never fails...He never forsakes...

He leaves me breathless...

1 comment:

  1. I love your list, a good book, candlelight and fresh bread. Some of my favorite things in life. So simple yet so good and calming to the soul.


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