Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Garden time!

My greenhouse is popping with little plants - this is Calendula just peeking through the soil.  I use a lot of calendula in salves and in soaps.  It's such a beautiful plant and is wonderful as a border plant in the front of a flower bed.

Our snow peas getting ready to go in the garden.  

We've been holding off because our weather has been goofy - warm then heavy frosts and back to warm all in 36 hours!  Yesterday evening the sky looked like this...

and when it was all done it left this.....golf ball size hail!  So glad my plants are in the greenhouse and not in the ground yet!

Our bush beans waiting to be planted!

Chamomile peeking through the soil!

Our cover crop of winter wheat!

Each of these sections holds 5 beds that are 4 feet by about 30 feet. You can see our chives and comfrey in the herb border on the right.  We enjoy fresh chives from spring till hard frost.  The comfrey is used around our house for poultices, compresses, salves and teas.

Our rows of strawberries are in the black plastic mulch.

The boys are digging an irrigation trench. We have underground drip lines in the top 5 garden areas. By adding the line here we will be able to irrigate the back 2 garden areas with drip line.

These stakes mark where our potatoes are planted.  We've planted Red Norlands, Yukon Gold and Kennebec.  We're trying an experiment with some of the potatoes this year.  Instead of planting them in the dirt, we are covering them with a thick layer of straw.  As the green tops poke through, we will continue to add hay.  When it is time to harvest this section, we will just need to pull back the straw and pick the potatoes!  

How are your gardens coming along?

1 comment:

  1. Our gardens are NOT coming along! We had snow again yesterday! And we won't even see 50 degrees until late next week. It can be more than a bit disheartening. But then, we did start some seeds indoors. I was interested to see you plant peas and beans indoors. We usually wait and plant directly into the soil, but then they are later in growing. I guess it would help if we had somewhere besides the basement where we live to start seeds, the trays get to be a nuisance.


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