Thursday, May 12, 2011

Poison Ivy? How about some Sweet Relief?

I've lost count of the people who have approached me at festivals or called me here at the farm looking for "some sort of poison ivy remedy" in the last 2 months.  They shoved up their sleeves, hiked up their pants and showed me places they were covered with it! One poor guy had a vine go across his face and over his head....his bald head...need I say more?

I wanted to hide Doodle! He gets poison ivy all the time...I'm pretty sure all he has to do is look at it and some strange connection is made and he becomes covered with it...even in the winter.... even in the snow...even when he is in a full snow suit and promises me he never unzipped it....weird, I know.

I think I have tried EVERY (and I do mean every) remedy on the market over the years to try to help Doodle.  Nothing was very effective so that left me no alternative but to create something myself.  I had the perfect test subject living under my roof!

Jewelweed is our Father's natural antidote for poison ivy.  

If you know you've been in it and can find Jewelweed in bloom, crush it and "wash" yourself with the plant you could just avoid breaking out. If you can't find Jewelweed, or it's the wrong time of year, make and use a Jewelweed tincture. I make gallons (literally!) every summer!

*NOTE* Jewelweed is poisonous if you take it internally!  
NEVER ingest a Jewelweed Tincture!
It is for external use ONLY!!!!!
Keep it out of the reach of small children!

I have a three step protocol for dealing with Doodle's outbreaks of poison ivy.  If we know he's been in it, we can usually eliminate it before he breaks out by using a Jewelweed tincture. You can read how to make that here. Unfortunately, he never seems to remember being in poison ivy. I think it's that strange connection thingy!

Once he breaks out we do three things:

First: He bathes and soaks in the tub with the Jewelweed soap that I make.

  Sweet Relief is now available on my website! It has been a best seller here for sometime.  
It's been hard to keep in stock long enough to put it on the website.
This year I made 4 batches so that I could offer it to you.

This soap is made with oils infused with Jewelweed and Plantain.  I added essential oils that help with the itching and speed the "drying" of the rash.

Second: He uses my Jewelweed Salve

This is also hard to keep on the shelf because of local sales.  However, I was determined to keep a large supply this year so I could put it on my website.

Third: Before each application of salve, we pat Jewelweed Tincture on the rash.  You can read how to make that at the link above.

Please note that Jewelweed Tincture is for external use only - internally it's very poisonous! 

Use something 100% cotton - preferable something non-absorbent like sheet or pillowcase material, soak the cloth and pat over the rash.  Allow to air dry.  We do this just before applying the salve each time.

We've found that this greatly reduces the size and length of his bouts with poison ivy. I pray it will do the same for you!



  1. Cheri,
    It was your salve that kept me from getting a steroid shot. It kept the nasty posion ivy from creeping into my eye. I was very thankful for you and your salve that year!
    grace and peace,

  2. Cheri,
    It was your salve that kept me from getting a steroid shot. It kept the nasty posion ivy from creeping into my eye. I was very thankful for you and your salve that year!
    grace and peace,


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