Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm back...sort of....

What a week! On Mother's Day my Mom's house was struck by lightening! It hit a back wall and came through an electrical outlet behind her wood burning stove. The stove protected her from the shower of sparks but the stove's fan that was plugged into that outlet was blown out of the wall and into pieces. She said it sounded like a cannon going off. It left long black streaks up her wall and her house without power for 8 hours. It also blew out all of her phones and her coffee pot. It scared her....and me!

She was supposed to come over for a special dinner for Mother's day but was afraid to leave the house while waiting for the power company. So, my 4 boys and I loaded up the dinner, drove to her house across the yard in the pouring rain and delivered a meal along with us to enjoy it with her.... by candlelight. It was an adventure. I am so thankful for my Mom. She is a rock for me...always supportive..loves my boys ferociously. I am thankful that our Father has allowed her 81 years on this earth and I pray that she has many more!

The power company recommended turning off the breakers to that room until an electrician could check the box on that wall. We thought that was a good idea.  She managed to find someone to come the next day and all is now o.k. I took her shopping to find new phones and set them up and to replace her surge protectors. She's on her own about the coffee maker - don't drink it and don't know a thing about it.

We also had a close lightening strike which knocked out our internet service completely for 4 days. The last few days we have seen Comcast nearly everyday. We have VERY intermittent internet...(on again, off again, every few minutes!). They have replaced the modem but nothing seems to work. They are coming again tomorrow. I am just now getting email and orders from a WEEK ago - I'm so sorry. I always try to ship out within 48 hours but one poor lady has been waiting a week and I just got her order. I think I have them all now and will hit the post office in the morning.

We enjoyed our time at the Appalachian Fairgrounds. It is never a very busy festival but we see good friends each time and we are always hopeful that it will be better. Mom was sick the first day of this last festival...I think it was the first time I went to a festival without her. It was a VERY slow day so the boys and I managed although we missed having her here. It was hard for me to leave her at home knowing that she wasn't feeling well (I knew she had to be really sick to miss working a festival with me!). It just showed me that even though I am over 50...I still need/want my Mom!

We have been getting a lot done after school each day - much time in the garden and the greenhouse. Pictures coming as soon as I have a connection that works without copying and pasting from my word processing program!

Just wanted to let ya'll know that I haven't vamoosed...and that as fast as I get emails and orders I will be responding...just not sure how fast that will be until they get this fixed...hopefully tomorrow!




  1. Oh Cheri, I actually cried reading your post. I am so glad you still have your Mom. It leaves a big ole' hole in your heart when God calls them home. What a fun dinner by candlelight even. I am glad you see the joy in the simple things of life. God bless friend!!

  2. Wow! I was praying for your Mom recently... she was on my heart as were you and the boys. I hope Mother's day was good aside from then lightening, I am glad all is okay now. If I was closer I'd bring Grandma a coffee pot! I always end up at my Mom's for coffee and mine is just sitting at home not really getting used right now.

    Tell everyone I said hello, I haven't had time to come out that way again... :(
    hopefully soon!

    much love

  3. wow I am missing your blog updates!

  4. Is everything alright? It has been quite a while since we've heard from you. Hope you are all well.

  5. from Derbyshire/ England. Just been casting about and read your shining blog after watering the veggies.
    your loveliness is like a smile from our Lord- thank you for such a timely communication

  6. I too, am hoping you will be able to return to blogging, soon. Will continue to keep you in prayer. Kris in WA


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