Monday, February 4, 2008

Come Play With Me!

I've been tagged by Gwen. This is the first time I've ever "played" internet tag so this will be fun. I am to list 7 random facts about myself...

1. I was born at the Naval Hospital in Bethesda MD. My dad was a Marine (Semper Fie!)

2. I played volleyball in college.

3. I used to speak french fluently.

4. I was a sign language interpreter for a HUGE church in Clearwater FL.

5. I have Beta Thalassemia Minor, an inherited blood disorder common in the Mediterranean area.

6. I love to scrapbook (but never seem to find time!).

7. I love foods that are spicy hot.....REALLY spicy hot!

Game of Blog Tag Rules:
*Link to the person that tagged you.
*Post the rules on your blog.
*Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
*Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
*Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

Tagged: Julie, Holly, Cheri, Mary Susan, Lynn, Emily and Julie.


  1. Wow, you sure have had a colorful life! As for me, mission accomplished!

    Thanks for sharing about Christina, I was thinking a lot about her in the past weeks.

  2. Enjoy your blog! My daughter (almost 9) is VERY interested in sign language. She has learned a lot on her own, but would like to become fluent..... any suggestions on how to learn???

  3. Hi Cheri - it was fun getting to know a little bit more about you :)

    I enjoyed your post too :)

    Many churches, if they have a deaf dept., teach sign language - this is where/how I learned. However, the best way to really get fluent is to spend time with deaf people. I have found them to be infinitely patient and helpful in teaching you...and LOTS of fun. I just planted myself in the deaf department - most of my friends were deaf as were my son's friends. I became fluent very fast because I needed to...I think it is called total immersion :)


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