Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

In celebration of today, I share some thoughts from  Chuck Baldwin and Brion McClanahan, Brion McClanahan is the author of the Politically Incorrect Guide to the Founding Fathers. First here is what Brion has to say:
This July 4th, Remember the Founders

While Americans are busy enjoying ice cream, hot dogs, cold drinks, and fireworks on July 4, I’m sure very few consider the following questions: What would the Founding Fathers say about the modern United States, and what is the meaning of independence? Certainly the United States would not be here without the Founders, the greatest generation in American history, but perhaps a better way of answering the questions is by simply considering whether the United States is the federal republic of the Founders’ design or has it been “remade” as Barack Obama continues to suggest.

The dichotomy between the Founders’ republic and the federal leviathan in Washington D.C. could not be more pronounced than it is in 2009. The Founding Fathers would all be considered conservatives today, even the most ardent centralizers in the bunch. They recognized the need for government, but with few exceptions believed in local and state sovereignty and as little government as possible. They would not have accepted the rash of federal bailouts—or in many cases central banking in general (the FED)—or modern welfare capitalism and the public debt that accompanies hundreds of “social” programs designed to redistribute wealth. They seceded from the British government in part because of unconstitutional (and miniscule by modern standards) taxes and would be appalled by the current level of taxation in America on all levels of government. They were a God-fearing generation jealous of individual liberty and believed through their understanding of history that without constitutional restraint government could be the most dangerous enemy of liberty and freedom. They would have been wary of the unconstitutional powers of the modern executive branch and would have been suspicious of a man who promised “Hope and Change.” As Benjamin Franklin said, “He who lives on hope will die fasting.”

The Founding Fathers also understood that a sound republic depended on an educated, virtuous, civic minded citizenry, and their government and society reflected their values. Patrick Henry often reminded his fellow Virginians that the “ancient constitutions” of their forefathers provided the best example for the future. He was guided, as he articulated during his famous “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!” speech, by the lamp of “experience.” John Dickinson, an important but forgotten founder, considered “Experience to be our only guide. Reason may mislead us.” These men broke from the British Empire in order to preserve the traditions of their communities, not create something new. They participated in government because it was their duty to serve, and they often resisted. Both George Washington and George Mason, for example, preferred retirement to politics, but humbly served when called and gave up power willingly. And, since this generation tended to be suspicious of government, government did very little. Forgotten founder George Clinton, arguably the most popular governor in New York history and no relation to Bill or Hillary, often celebrated that New York freeholders paid no taxes for eighteen years while he was in office. The founding generation disagreed on many things, but the right of self-determination and limited self-government was not one of them. Most viewed their state as their country and believed people had the right and duty to determine their own destiny, government included.

Moreover, the Founders were not egalitarian romantics with lofty views of human nature. They were men of their times, but the leaders of this generation had a sound understanding of classical history and the nature of man, without question better than the current crop of “educated” Americans. When current college freshmen have a difficult time recalling basic historical concepts or events, thanks in large part to public “education,” one has to wonder if current or future leaders could match the intellectual might of any of the Founding Fathers. Could contemporary Americans honestly rely upon federal or state “leaders” to write a viable constitution or make decisions without conducting a public opinion poll? When image is more important than substance, probably not. In contrast, the founding generation produced the framework for two federal unions—the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution—and authored a host of state constitutions. History and the nature of man, of course, have not changed since the founding generation, only its interpretation and the willingness of modern Americans to seemingly embrace government involvement in our lives.

So, how does this apply to our society? If the United States had been “remade,” and it has, so too have American citizens. Americans have become less independent since the time of the founding generation. We owe thousands to large corporate banks, live in rented or mortgaged homes, and spend 110% of our income each year. We spend hours watching sports on television, ignore our history and civics, shun the vote, and trounce our Constitution. We have given our rights away often without protest to various levels of government and pay half of our money to these same governments in order to “level” society. We have forgotten the republican (not the same as the Republican Party) ideals of simplicity, frugality, civic participation, and virtue, and have failed to retain simple methods of survival, believing that the trough will always be full, our bellies always fat and our wallet stuffed with money (or credit). We have, in essence, become decadent serfs to Uncle Sam and in the process have been lulled by “bread and games.” A people with reckless habits can expect no more from their government and government often reflects society.

The ability of Americans to understand and emulate the founding generation holds the key to a prosperous future. Battle lines have been drawn. If Americans continue to accept larger and more powerful government, bailouts, government handouts, nationalized industries and restrictions on individual liberty, they move closer to dependence and serfdom and farther from the founding principles of the United States. But, the Founding Fathers would argue that every step Americans take toward decentralization, individual responsibility, and personal independence is a step toward salvaging the republic. July 4 is about independence from a king, freedom from oppressive government and high taxes, and the power of self-determination. All Americans would do well to remember that lesson. We can “remake” America or preserve the founding principles of the United States, but we cannot do both.

And now here are some words from Chuck Baldwin:
As we approach Independence Day, it behooves us to recall the principles of America's founding, especially in light of the ongoing attempt by today's political and commercial leaders to merge the United States into a hemispheric government. In fact, the clarion call for independence is just as fundamental, just as revolutionary as it was 233 years ago.

Regarding the signing of the Declaration of Independence, John Adams said, "[Independence Day] will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the Day of Deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore."

Adams went on to say, "You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory; I can see that the end is more than worth all the means, that posterity will triumph in that day's transaction, even though we should rue it, which I trust in God we shall not."

Indeed, the signers of America's Declaration of Independence endured the sacrifice of both toil and blood. Pertaining to the lives of the signers, David Limbaugh writes, "Of those 56 who signed the Declaration of Independence, nine died of wounds or hardships during the war. Five were captured and imprisoned, in each case with brutal treatment. Several lost wives, sons or entire families. One lost his thirteen children. Two wives were brutally treated. All were at one time or another the victims of manhunts and driven from their homes. Twelve signers had their homes completely burned. Seventeen lost everything they owned."

Yes, America's Declaration of Independence, which is our nation's birth certificate, was purchased at a very high price. Rightly did its primary author, Thomas Jefferson, invoke God's name no less than four times in the Declaration. Without God, our struggle for independence and freedom would surely have failed.

Jefferson, along with the vast majority of America's founders, knew that freedom was, first, the gift of God, not the accomplishment of men. He further understood that man's law must be subordinate to the natural laws of God.

Therefore, with an appeal to Heaven for the "rectitude of [their] intentions," America's Founding Fathers courageously forged a document that would put their own lives at risk, but would also change the course of history.

The question now is, "How long can we maintain our nation's independence?" The forces of global government seem to dominate both major parties in Washington, D.C., most corporate boardrooms, and most newsrooms.

In fact, hemispheric or regional government never had more powerful and committed allies than former Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and now President Barack Obama. Mark my words: if and when America loses its independence, it will have been these Presidents that led the way in making it happen.

If the United States is going to maintain its independence and freedom much beyond the year 2010, it will only be because millions of freedom-loving Americans (and the governments of the States in which they reside) are willing to fight for it.

Both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on July 4, 1826. Daniel Webster gave the eulogy for both men on August 2 of that year. Included in his remarks on that notable day were these words: "It [the Declaration of Independence] is my living sentiment, and by the blessing of God, it shall be my dying sentiment. Independence now, and independence forever."

To Webster's words, I say a hearty AMEN! I promise no loyalty to the North American Union, the United Nations, or any other brand of global government. When the day comes that I am required to submit to any form of global authority, I will be an outlaw. There is no freedom without independence, and there is no independence without eternal vigilance. To my dying breath I will say with Daniel Webster, "Independence now, and independence forever!"

Ponder these things today....teach them to your children....thank our Father for such brave men as our founders...and ask Him to raise up another generation of such men and women!


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