Sunday, August 10, 2008

Kansas Milkmaid Update

Had a wonderfully long phone visit with the Kansas Milkmaid this weekend. Several of you have asked about her so I thought I would share what I could.

She and the children have moved to an undisclosed location. It is undisclosed for their don't ask me! She is getting a handle, as are the children, on "normal life". She is doing what milkmaids do...she is milking and making cheese, loving and spending time with her children.

Will she write again...she is weighing that possibility. She does not want, at this time, to divulge her location so she has not figured that out.

She appreciates the prayers and well wishes and wants y'all to know that they are happy, healthy and most importantly safe.


  1. I'm so glad to hear they are doing well. I check her blog often hoping to see a post, and pray for the family.
    Here is a blog of a lady you both might like to pray for. Her name is Carrie and she and her 8 children are in a shelter for battered women. She is a sweet Christian lady who has another blog that many ladies read. I can't post it because she is technically in hiding, though her husband somehow found out where they are. She will be moving soon.

  2. Thanks so much for the update on the KS Milkmaid. I check her blog from time to time and think of her often. I'm glad to hear that she and the children are doing okay, and pray that the Lord will continue to bring peace and healing to their dear hearts.

  3. Thank you so much for providing an update. Christina and her family are in my prayers so much lately. I have felt led to pray for her. Oddly enough I was going to share Carries blog link too as her situation is somewhat similar to Christinas. Love and prayers, Kaje

  4. Will you please tell her that we are praying for her and her children? Let her know that we miss her and check her blog frequently.


  5. Hi Cheri,

    Thank you for the update. I've wondered what's happening, and I am glad to hear that the family is safe, and that she is continuing in dairy!

    I will continue to pray for Christina & the kids.

  6. OOPS! I forgot the web address. Here it is:

    Jennie S.

  7. Thanks for the update on her. I was just thinking about her the other day and wondering how they were doing! So good to hear that they are ok.

  8. Cheri,
    Thanks so much for giving us the update. I have been praying for Chris and her children. I'm so sorry they've had to go through this, but I'm extremely relieved to know they are safe!
    Please let her know "Deb in CO" still thinks of her when I hang my clothes on the line and face east! Even if she's not east of me anymore. :)

  9. Thank you for this.
    She comes to mind so often.
    I just lift her up in prayer.
    I sure do miss her writings, but I am so glad she and the children are doing well.


  10. Jennie,
    I'll be praying for this lady,thanks for the link.

    I'm sure Chris will read these comments...she'll appreciate the prayers.

    Thank you so much!


  11. Ladies,
    I'll refer Chris to all of the comments. I'm sure she'll be blessed by all of y'all! Thanks for taking the time to leave them.

  12. Have been wondering about her....had just found her blog when things went so bad for her and her children. I am SO GLAD they have relocated to a safe place...may it ever be a refuge for them!! I hope she will be very careful...perhaps she can write again as a guest of someone like you, her friend. May the FATHER bless her and you as well!!

  13. Thank you for the update. I just read it since I have been out of town seeing number 7 grandchild into the family. I will continue praying for her safety and blessings to pour forth on her and children.

  14. Please tell her that she's been on my mind for months. I'm so glad she's safe, I hadn't heard anything and was fearing the worst. I made a point of praying for her every time I washed my hands with the soap I bought from her. I'm a frequent handwasher, so that's a lot of prayers offered on her behalf. :-)
    Is there a way I can purchase more soap from her? The online store doesn't appear to be working.

  15. Hi Jo,
    I don't believe she is making soap at this point. I'm not sure if she plans on rec-activating the store. The need for anonymity for safety's sake is a big factor.


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